Update 11/09/24
Stay tuned for a potential plot twist! We’re holding our breath in anticipation of some major news. If you are not up to date with our story, read below.Â
Mission: Keep OverGravity Alive
We have been delayed
We previously announced that we found a new home for OverGravity. Sadly, our planning application has been unexpectedly refused. This is the hardest hurdle we have faced in six years of OG.
Not everything is lost
- Our Gymnasium on the ground floor will close on the night of the 29th of September.
- Our OG studio will stay regularly opened.
Some classes will continue in the OG Studio
These are the classes we will be continue to run in the same location
- Split Fusion, Front Split and Hip Mobility, Pancake and Side Split
- Calisthenics Foundations, OG power Calisthenics, Muscle Up class
- Handstands, Press to Handstand
- Acro For dancers and Acro flow movements
- OG Kids Classes
What we are doing to save OG
We have put an offer on 2 different venues and one has potential. We are crossing our fingers arms and legs.
What can you expect?
- Temporary suspension of most of the tumbling classes
- Limited availability for privates and only for single skills or floor connections
- We are considering some options to take some extra space in the current location on the first floor to allow for more activities to happen
- We are also looking at some temporary solutions in other locations whilst we find our new home
What happens to my class package/memberships expiration date
- Membership options will be temporarely removed from the 1st of September
- Any active membership renewal will be cancelled so you won’t be charged for classes you may not be able to attend in the immediate time after we close
- Class packages expiration date will be extended for any length of time the tumbling classes will pause.
As some classes will still carry on, not all packages will be automatically paused, so please reach out to us on the last week of September via email if you have any credits left expiring after the end of September and we will freeze your package duration until we resume our classes.
We have launched a crowd funding page to save OverGravity. Any big or small help will be hugely appreciated as it can save us and support us in this difficult time.
Donate below
Yes, we need your help! We need the community’s help to support OverGravity in this difficult time. Any contribution will go towards legal and operation costs, temporary storage for our equipment and to support our staff.